Monday, June 29, 2009

Free Gaza ship "Spirit of Humanity" is on its way

Exciting news! The "Spirit of Humanity" is on its way to Gaza! Originally the trip was planned with two boats, but due to pressure from Israel only one boat was allowed to depart Cyprus. And that means that they won't be carrying the 15 tons of cement that they had originally planned to deliver to Gaza. But still this is great news. You have to hand it to Free Gaza for their persistence, especially considering that their last mission was rammed by the Israeli Navy and damaged to the point where it could not continue. Fortunately no one was hurt and the boat was able to limp into port.

Which reminds me that Cynthia McKinney is on board. She has to be the bravest American woman living today. I guess she just views this as an extension of the Civil Rights movement, and you know those people risked their lives in the 60's to protest against segregation. She has contacted the US government in an attempt to get free passage for their voyage to Gaza. So far she has not received any official reply. However she points out that this is a test for the Obama administration because they are bringing medical and other supplies which Obama has said Israel should allow to freely enter into Gaza.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney:
"The U.S. should send a message to Israel reiterating the reported White House position that the blockade of Gaza should be eased, and that medical supplies and building materials, including cement, should be allowed in ... Will [President Obama] stand by his own words and allow us to provide relief for Gaza or will he back down?
You can keep track of the progress of the "Spirit of Humanity" on the Free Gaza website.

They also have a twitter account which they have been updating regularly.

In addition their is a webpage where you can see an updated position of the "Spirit of Humanity" on a map.

Let's all wish the "Spirit of Humanity" the best of luck. The courage of her crew and passengers is indisputable. They certainly deserve our support and prayers. I don't know when they are due to arrive in Gaza, but I would imagine it would be in the next 24 hours. It's important to note that the Free Gaza movement has had success in the past. It's really up to the world governments to stand up to Israel and not allow them to collectively punish the Palestinians living in Gaza with this medieval siege.

Free Gaza now!

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